Coaching Programs Expert, 
Chief Encouragement Officer
Elissa Ashwood is a coaching programs expert and executive advisor. She is currently leading and transitioning two firms - Affective Health, with a focus on increasing consumer adoption at scale, and Accomplishment Partners, which helps clients create new coaching and learning programs and improve existing ones.

Her life hacks for resilience and happiness will have you smiling all the way across the finish line. 

Executive advisor. As a VP of Finance at Citibank, Director of Executive Leadership Programs at American Express, McKinsey & Co. management consultant, and CEO of tech company Truly Accomplished, Elissa has advised some of the top performing companies and startups in the world to inspire higher performance and satisfaction.  She holds an MBA in Finance and Accounting from the University of Rochester.

Personal and Professional programs expert. Today the world takes place online. Translating behavioral change there can be a steep learning curve. Elissa provides organizations with done-for-you IP development, activities, models, assessments, online prototypes, measurement design, participant retention strategies, participant follow-through support, and marketing guidance that increase speed to market, conversion rates, and get better participant results. Recent clients include AARP, The DeBruce Foundation, and private coaching businesses.  Elissa is a member of the international Serious Games Society.

Mentor and Author. Elissa also coaches individual clients on work and life from the boardroom to the kitchen sink and back again. Her motivation research books include Managing Motivation, and Evidence-Based Productivity Improvement.

Survivor. Cancer never knew what hit it.
Certified Chocolatier. Graduate of the Ecole Chocolat.
Midwestern LA Lady. Living happily ever after in Los Angeles.
Elissa Ashwood, optimized marketing funnels, executive mentor, author and speaker
Encouragement to those dealing with cancer
Getting diagnosed with cancer is terrifying.  Maybe this story will help a little. After surgery, I faced 33 radiation treatments, one every day.  Rather than focus on how scary that was, I doubled down on resilience. I wanted to embrace being alive!  Especially if these were to be my last days.  I decided I would wear 33 party dresses to my 33 radiation treatments.  It turned out to be such a joy!

Because of this, I am randomly a little bit famous. UPMC, the hospital in Pittsburgh, PA where I was treated made this commercial.  It was directed by Gabriela Cowperthwaite who directed the powerful documentary Blackfish about the captive whales at Seaworld.  She is very cool. Talk about five minutes of unexpected fame - this ad has been shown continuously for the last seven years.  My face has graced buses, billboards, Steelers games, movie theaters and even the Superbowl.  

Moral of the story - be your best self, you never know who's watching and getting inspired.
I don't offer speaking right now, but when I do it looks like this.  

- on boosting your resilience 
- on increasing engagement in your programs
- on creating urgent optimism in your program marketing

This clip is a bit old, but it was a great event. Picture me a bit rounder and wiser, like Mrs. Santa, and you'll be caught up.

Family Career Workshops
The DeBruce Foundation is currently underwriting my time to deliver Family Career Workshops to community groups and events.

You want one because:
- Work is changing, really changing. You can feel it, but how do you handle it yourself and how do you advise your kids? This workshop has some really helpful answers.
- Currently only 60% of enrolled college students complete college. The rate is low for multiple reasons, but a big one is not seeing a connection between college and your career future.  
- Talking about careers with high schoolers and even college kids is tricky because they are trying to enjoy the moment and they should.  This workshop is a great middle ground for insight without pressure.
- Your kid may be really different from you, and finding a way to see that their way can lead to great outcomes too will help you connect and enjoy each other more.  The parent dream!
Coaching Private Client Stories
When you step back from all the technology and business, my most fulfilling moments are seeing changes in people's lives from the work we do. Some of these stories are from coaching, some from productivity improvement. I am grateful to these earlier clients and still love telling their awesome stories.  I hope they inspire you too.  
Errika: Learning to lead strategy
Errika took her strategy and communication game to the top.

She has gone on to be the powerful right hand to multiple Superintendents and head of community relations as a respected and inspiring community leader.  

Such a leader!
Karina: Pro career transition
Karina is such a rockstar.  Enjoy the energy of this fast track pro who made the transition from midlevel to senior exec. Since this video she's gone on to even bigger roles as textiles innovator, making an impact across industries.

Rent Jungle: Increasing sales
Meet Jon Pastor, successful entrepreneur and his team of salespeople. We worked to increase their sales 30% largely by changing the mix of sales team activities.  Individual salesperson's productivity increased on average over 150%. The company was successfully acquired and continues to grow.

Suzanne and Audrey: Mother and daughter tackle her first career job in NYC
How can a high powered mom provide support and also step back so her daughter can grow a career on her own?

Sometimes a little coaching can bridge the gap so the support doesn't get lost in the mother-daughter relationship.

Kudos to Suzanne who went on to run global study programs, worked from Cambodia, and now runs marketing for the olive oil farm.
Linda: Retiring to the beach
Linda worked her career at IBM, where she experienced huge changes in corporate America.  The career she once loved became extremely unpleasant. Early retirement became a matter of health.

She had always done everything by the rules, but dreamed of the freedom to play.  Cape Cod, Maine had always been her happy place. She and her husband had brilliantly purchased a beach cottage on Cape Cod and rented it out for decades until now they could finally live in it themselves full time at the beach.  We worked to help her find her freedom, have the fun she always wanted, and still have a beach-friendly retirement income.

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in Los Angeles, CA
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