Elissa Ashwood is a coaching programs expert and executive advisor. She is currently leading and transitioning two firms - Affective Health, with a focus on increasing consumer adoption at scale, and Accomplishment Partners, which helps clients create new coaching and learning programs and improve existing ones.
Her life hacks for resilience and happiness will have you smiling all the way across the finish line.
Executive advisor. As a VP of Finance at Citibank, Director of Executive Leadership Programs at American Express, McKinsey & Co. management consultant, and CEO of tech company Truly Accomplished, Elissa has advised some of the top performing companies and startups in the world to inspire higher performance and satisfaction. She holds an MBA in Finance and Accounting from the University of Rochester.
Personal and Professional programs expert. Today the world takes place online. Translating behavioral change there can be a steep learning curve. Elissa provides organizations with done-for-you IP development, activities, models, assessments, online prototypes, measurement design, participant retention strategies, participant follow-through support, and marketing guidance that increase speed to market, conversion rates, and get better participant results. Recent clients include AARP, The DeBruce Foundation, and private coaching businesses. Elissa is a member of the international Serious Games Society.
Mentor and Author. Elissa also coaches individual clients on work and life from the boardroom to the kitchen sink and back again. Her motivation research books include Managing Motivation, and Evidence-Based Productivity Improvement.
Survivor. Cancer never knew what hit it.
Certified Chocolatier. Graduate of the Ecole Chocolat.
Midwestern LA Lady. Living happily ever after in Los Angeles.